Software Developer, C# Enthusiast, Eternal Student
Various Institutions ? Technical
- Advanced C#
- Generics and Delegates in C#
- Lambda Expressions
- Events and Extension Methods in C#
- Asynchronous Programming in C#
- Item React.js
- Responsive Web Design
- Relational Database Design and SQL
- MVC Advanced
- MVC: Data Architectures
- MVC: Introduction to Data
- MVC Fundamentals
- Web Forms with Data
- C#: Collections
- .NET Core: Middleware
- .NET Core Security
- Object Oriented Programming with C#
- Learning C# Algorithms
- Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Machine Learning
- Introduction to PHP and SQL
- Ellucian Live Online 2020
Various Institutions ? Soft Skills
- Remote Work Foundations
- Collaborative Leadership
- Productivity Tips: Finding Your Productive Mindset
- Cultivating Mental Agility
- Executive Presence on Video Conference Calls
- Salesforce for Customer Service
- Cultivating Cultural Competence and Inclusion
- Creating a Culture of Collaboration
- Skills for Inclusive Conversations
- Time Management: Working from Home
- Managing Stress for Positive Change
- Mindful Meditations for Work and Life
- Mindfulness Practices
- The Mindful Workday
- Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging
- How to be an Adaptable Employee During Change and Uncertainty
- Nonprofit Fundraising Essentials
- Starting a Nonprofit